Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Owww mY gOsH JSP aGaIn

Hm mm, I think this is the most enjoyable JSP I had because I also joined the promenade. When we had an practice in promenade my heart got nervous because this is my first time to joined with others in dancing, but even though I've got, nervous I enjoy so much, me and my partner laugh out loud each other why because we got shy to dance. we celebrate our JSP inn the 13Th day of February at exactly 3:30 because we have our snack at 3:00 on that day. When we went to the gymnasium there are so many 3rd year and 4Th year waiting. I've surprised because all my debarks dance with me. I never got nervous on that time because I felt the enjoyment of others. We also take pictures with my classmates and friends. Before the JSP end another picture taking on the stage with my sister.

Monday, February 16, 2009


In our ICT IV we should make our own movie. I think this is the most enjoyable part of our activities. Because our own picture should we used to make an movie. In our groupings we usually help each other, so we can easily know how to work on it. I enjoy to import some picture, placing an effects also placing transitions on it. Our teacher also recomend us to place also an music so that our movie seems so greatful and beautiful. I always listen to our teacher before we make our movie. My face always smiling because I enjoy so much this activities we made.

Monday, January 26, 2009

scared to have low grades

Everytime I hear about Periodical test I always think if our test is easy or not. Because I want to have an high grades so that my parents will be happy of me. Everynight I always review all the things we taken in third grading lessons. Eventhough im so tired, I push my self to have review because I do not want to have low grades. When our test has come I always pray that I will not be confused or panic so that I can concentrate the test. Everything is easy if I review harder but im too lazy to have an review. My grades in other subject are low but in other is high. I promise this last Periodical test all I can give is more effort. I want to graduate this coming Aprilso that I strive harder this last EXAM.

scared to have low grades

Sunday, January 11, 2009

mY vACaTiOn

Almost two weeks that we have no classes. I spent my time family, neighbor and friends. We have our vacation so that we celebrate christmas and new year. In the 19th of december all students, teachers and employees of ISNHS celebrate christmas program. In the morning, us student who first celebrating christmas program and in the afternoon the teachers will be the next to celebrate. Me and my friends have a happy memories in that vacation. We went to the sea to have some fun and also swimming. I also went to the church to have some prayers so that eventhough our mother are not with us im hoping that we have a peace and loving in the year 2009. In the 24th of december were preparing for our noche buena with my guardian mother and sister. In January 1st we also celebrate New year with my family. I love my vacation so much because of another life to come.